Saturday, April 18, 2009

Once in a lifetime experience

Hi, Pesach was here last week, to remind us that the spring is almost over, and the summer awaits at the door.
Pesach is usually a holiday for fishermen - the fish prices are high due to high demands for fish at the dinners in holiday's eve. The full moon and spring time sends all the sea inhabitants to reproduce, and the sea is full with fish eggs, larvae and other plankton, and lots of fish that eat them.
I spent 3 days at sea, spearfishing. At the first day the visibility was nice, but not excelent, and I managed to catch a few fish for a nice BBQ, plus one big Spanish Mackarel that I saved for later meal with my family.

The next day the visibility was better, so I attached the camera to my speargun and took videos at every dive.
At the first warm-up dive I saw a group of groupers (maybe that's why they are named that way) but I was too far away and couldn't shoot. Later I managed to get close and spear a big male (4kg). During the dives I saw many string rays, and a few more groupers. I edited all those dives to a video:

After about an hour I was diving for another ambush on the reef, and after a minute or so, I saw a big shadow swimming into my sight. I couldn't believe it at first - it was a big, majestic, amazing, Bluefin Tuna, coming from behind me and swimming at my left. At first I was shocked, but then I took aim, held the gun in both hands and....
I let it swim into the blue.
I couldn't or wouldn't shoot it. It was too wild to capture, and maybe it belongs to the oceans and not to be eaten.
Besides, at that size, it would have taken me with it or ripping the gun from my hands, only to die later from its wounds.

After that I couldn't continue diving. I climbed to the kayak, stil trembling from excitement, and paddled to shore, trolling a lure behind me. Just before I reached the shore I caught an ugly puffer fish, an immigrant from the Red sea, I took its picture also and then I released it from the hooks.
Since then I haven't dived yet, but every night since I re-live that moment and thank the sea for letting me enter that secret world of his.

1 comment:

Roy , On , Yosale said...

great ido!
waiting 4 stories from Eilat...