Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fishing from touring Sit In kayaks

Usually I fish from my Sit On Top Tarpon 140 kayak as it is very stable, comfortable and rigged to fish and dive from.
However, as a kayak instructor, I spend hours and hours paddling in touring sea kayaks, and I thought to myself, why not fish from them as well, when the sea is calm.
I've installed a rod holder behind the deck in one of the kayaks, so I can place a rod there, and troll lures when I paddle with the group. Sometimes that kayak is not available, so I take any kayak and place the rod and reel under the bungee cords in front of me. The rod is facing backwards, goes on the sprayskirt, close to my body, so it doesn't gets in the way when I paddle. This way I have a clear view on the reel and I can see how much line is released and when I get a strike.
It is true that it's less convenient and stable when you land bigger fish, but so far it worked fine with fish up to 3 kg.
I have some pics to demonstrate:

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