Monday, November 23, 2009

Israel Kayak Fishing 3rd Tournament, November 2009

This weekend, the Israel Kayak Fishing forum held it's semi-annual fishing tournament, and this year the sponsor was "Optimist" kayak club and shop in Caesare, my home club, owned by my best friend's family, so I was very excited, along with the great expectations after winning the last tournament.
We arrived early to the beach, and there was even a news team that came to cover the event. As the current champion, they wanted to hear my opinion, strategy and ofcourse, my superstitions.
After a briefing we set out, trolling lures, looking for fish. The fishing area was very familiar to me as I worked and paddled there for some time.
We paddled north towards Caesare's ancient city (Caesar's summer resort), enjoyed the great scenery and calm sea. Just north of there we saw big flocks of Seagulls above the water, diving to catch fish. When we got nearer, I hooked the first fish - a 1.5 kg Little Tunny and 15 minutes later, another one, a bit bigger.
Following the tournament's regulation, we called in and reported both catches. At that point we were eager to catch some more, but the fish had other plans, and the wind started to get stronger, in our faces. Around 9:00 we turned back and headed for shore. On the way we heard that other kayakers caught some fish and we weren't sure for our position.
We arrived to shore and weighed the fish - both were 3.46 kg, which ranked me at the 3rd place!!
Apparently, many anglers caught one or two fish each, and the winners were first by grams (I was short 200 and 500 gr` from 2nd and 1st place respectively).
Just before receiving the prizes, Moshik brought a knife and Soy sauce and I filleted a few fish and served a great Sashimi, fresh from the sea.
To sum it up, around 70 kayak fishermen participated in this great happening, thanks to the dedicated team of Israel Kayak Fishing and the support of the great friends, guides and owners of Optimist.
Every time we say it's the biggest event ever held in Israel, and every time we get bigger and more friends join us in the special hobby.
Congratulations for the winners, well done and keep paddling!!
I've gathered a few pics from the event:

An update from this week: The item about the fishing tournament was shown in Channel 2, in the weekend news:

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